Secrecy Isn't Working

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by John Fast, May 5, 2024.

  1. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    Linda, I agree there is incremental progress in operations as maintenance items are finally being addressed. I am excited to hear that committees are working together but would love to see more in-depth discussion and debate within the committees. Discussion of the why is sorely lacking. For example, why are we considering buying an abandoned hospital when we only use abut 40% of the space we have. Does the why have anything to do with Kat and Karen's agenda to turn Lakeview into a park? They mentioned that to me several times but could never explain what other options were analyzed and why this was a superior option. Also, committees, like the board are not supported with expert advice in urban/recreation planning. In fact, the Board has no budget to engage an expert and we have no one on staff or on any of the committees who I would consider having the necessary skills. I think all the members want is to be provided with an overall strategy (see new MVV) and a well-documented understandable analysis of the options for achieving that strategy with an explanation of how the benefit to them of the option selected is superior to other options and outweighs the cost to them in implementing it. Plan wisely, spend wisely.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  2. Linda McIntyre

    Linda McIntyre Well-Known Member

    Sorry Josie. I put words in your mouth about "single issue" which was my mistake. I should have been more careful. However, you do imply that recommendations made have been just more of the same. My point was - that's not true - in my opinion. To err is human.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  3. Linda McIntyre

    Linda McIntyre Well-Known Member

    We can do better and I am confident those days are ahead of us. There are very important recommendations coming forward that, if adopted, will include many new ways of doing business. May and June should begin to shed the light. I'll leave it at that for now.
    Enigma and Janet Curry like this.
  4. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    John, You are right that we need professional help with planning. A good start would be to join the nonprofit organization that Earl and Linda have mentioned. That group has many resources that wouldn't cost as much as a consultant. Plus, most of their resources have been vetted by other nonprofits and have been improved over the years.
    Enigma likes this.
  5. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Forgot who it was but someone here today said never assume (1 of 4 rules). I implied is kind of the same, but whatever. It was very clear to me today that there are rules for all of you and rules for me. It was great fun along with a lot of nasty when bill doxed me. Oh the crap I put up with. Well I mistakenly referred to EO by her first name (how we refer to her on ND). When it is someone else it's a terrible thing. When it's me it's all fun and games. Bill got a boatload of likes. Seriously re recommendations do you really think Bill would recommend anyone that wanted to do away with lawn bowling or his wife's game tennis courts?
  6. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    “Does the why have anything to do with Kat and Karen's agenda to turn Lakeview into a park? They mentioned that to me several times but could never explain what other options were analyzed and why this was a superior option. Also, committees, like the board are not supported with expert advice in urban/recreation planning. In fact, the Board has no budget to engage an expert and we have no one on staff or on any of the committees who I would consider having the necessary skills.” ~ John Fast

    Perhaps board and senior management members listened and followed up with a memorable speaker at our last Annual Membership Meeting.

    Roberto “Bob” Garcia is a most enthusiastic and highly skilled new Sun City resident. He worked 40 years with the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks, Supervision. He said, “I know what recreation is all about.”

    He’s a captivating speaker, too!

    Watch RCSC Video
    Annual Membership Meeting March 12, 2024
    Meet him by advancing to 1:05:54
    (Tap Watch on YouTube in black box)

    RCSC YouTube Channel

    Hmmm, did anyone followup to welcome him and recruit him for a committee??
  7. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

  8. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Okay, here's another thought but of course the numbers need to work out. A possible solution that solves the two main concerns, 1) If we don't buy it who will, and what could it be turned into, and 2) How much work is needed to bring the building back up to snuff?

    A thought!

    First of all, think about the homes in Sun City Manor. Those are the 2 bedroom, 2 bath homes built behind Sun Land Cemetery. Those homes are about 1,600 sq. ft. built on .12 acre lots.

    Possible Solution:

    What if we bought the property, this solves concern #1, and then simply leveled it, this solves concern #2?

    Then we build a number of homes that could sell for $400,000+ and the profit from which could cover the cost of buying the property and building the homes?

    In addition, once the homes are sold the RCSC gets their $5000 PIF and CIF fees, plus the yearly assessment fees and no longer has any obligations towards maintenance?

    Like I said, the numbers need to be worked out but with the cost of construction now a days it might not work?

    Just a thought! ;)
  9. Sambo

    Sambo Active Member

    Interesting thought that goes outside the box. My belief is that they hear the mom from Peanuts if you're not on the board but it's worth a shot.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  10. FYI, now you want the RCSC going into real estate development! What do we (editorial we) know about real estate development and do we have anyone on staff that is familiar with this? Would we have the correct zoning class, how old are the houses, the water lines, the lateral sewer lines? What if all the property owners do not want to sell or are asking for an outrageous amount of money? We can’t use eminent domain, so what are our other options? How long will it take for the county to approve the development plans. What if we can’t sell them all in a reasonable of time and potentially have to sell at a loss?

    I do realize this is theoretical but these are questions to consider prior to moving on to the next level. I do enjoy mental gymnastics from time to time.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  11. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Agree, FYI.
    There are many dream ideas for use of the building...
    We need to think defensively about our community.
    If RCSC purchases the property, we have the say about for WHAT and WHEN it's developed.
    We take the risk of who knows what, possibly undesirable, development moving in eventually.
    We’d be stuck with it…

    Janet Curry likes this.
  12. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    I admire creative thinking! Keep the ideas coming. What members really want are someone to develop feasible options.
    Enigma and Janet Curry like this.
  13. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Oh dear. Is the thread broken? Should this be with RCSC Buying Buildings? I'm going to change my name to "For Some". Just can't help myself. I get reamed for doing this exact thing. yet it's ok for you. Tell me there isn't a little click in this town, and if you have a differing opinion you are shunned. Happy Mother's Day.

    (To clarify for some, this reply is in response to “recent posts regarding the library.” On topic.

    Broken or pushed off topic?
    Appreciate back on track, on point, respectful discussions.

    Last edited: Apr 9, 2024
    eyesopen, Apr 9, 2024
    Janet Curry likes this.
  14. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Tying up some loose ends. No I will not delete my comment and repost. I have decided to show you the same respect you and your buddy showed me. I won't take it quite as far by saying no one gives a s%it who you are though.
  15. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    The original thread is why secrecy isn't working. I was speaking with an expert in group dynamics about how we seem to be in repetitive cycles where the Board flies off in different directions based on the whims and preferences of the majority and loses sight of its function of representing members and oversight of management. He agreed with my observation that the lack of consistent processes significantly contributes to the "power corrupts" phenomena that is prevalent in all ruling bodies. Another observation is that secrecy is a tool to maintain and enhance the power and control of the ruling body. We concluded this very interesting discussion that many of the issues RCSC face are shared by just about every 55+ community.
    Emily Litella and Janet Curry like this.
  16. OneDayAtATime

    OneDayAtATime Well-Known Member

    Janet Curry and eyesopen like this.
  17. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Agree with,
    “One word:
    Jean Totten”
    Janet Curry likes this.
  18. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    TRAINING............a person can be trained to operate a machine, to build vacuum cleaners, to become a veterinarian even to perform surgery. You cannot train what is inherently 'inside' a person.
    Emily Litella likes this.
  19. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    HH - I partially disagree with your statement and allow me to provide an example. A volunteer board member enters service with no significant amount of training on fiduciary duty, Arizona Nonprofit Law, the corporate documents and their history, operation of clubs, finance, taxes and insurance and committees etc. Their prior experience may have been as a fireman, service member, civil servant or any one of thousands of jobs that do not prepare them for the duties they have undertaken. They are replaced on a three-year cycle that assures the board is constantly changing. My argument is the only way we have any hope of consistency is to have high quality training and good processes to support the Board and Management.
  20. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    It's Josie. That ship sailed a long time ago. I think you misunderstood me. I agree with you 100%. A person can be trained to do anything with the proper skill set, however a person can't be trained how to feel. If a person has a passion for power you can't take that away. A true narcissist needs years of therapy to 'change'. If a person is a chronic people pleaser they may even go without to give to others.

    I just read an Advocates blog from 2022 and watched the video of the meeting. A while back I said previous and/or current board members recommend who to vote for, and there it was! Log on here and vote for A, B, and C. You can't convince me that A B C did not have the same mindset as the person encouraging you to vote for them. It's a natural thing to do. You want your ideas carried out. So you get more of the same. We don't have three-year terms now. Turnover is high, people are resigning.

    Listening to that 2022 meeting the BOD were "talking very loudly" at the members. When watching current meetings I see board members eye rolling, shaking their heads but not as vocal. Then you have comments by people on board or committees that speak about the community like this:

    <<<while I found your explanations spot on and easily understandable, you must know that a good percentage of our population is obtuse at best and wouldn’t understand non-profits if Big Bird came down and explained it.

    Then we have the dog club which to me is the like the car club with fur. I spoke with the club president when this first surfaced and learned that while teaching River c how to run in between sticks, the real purpose is for the two legged creatures to hang out and shoot the bull. So what they want is an air conditioned social club house so they can hang out, throw seasonal parties while Ruffy learns to run in circles to catch his/her tail>>>

    The advocates blog is available for anyone to read. Former/current board/committee members attack each other on that blog. You can't force people to be something they are not. The issue is how to find the right people, and obviously it;s not by recommendation.

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