Secrecy Isn't Working

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by John Fast, May 5, 2024.

  1. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    Today, I was reminded why we bought a home here. Fun and Community! I walked the beautiful trail at hilltop park where I watched multiple generations having fun on the paddle boats. A giant goldfish swam by in the lagoon by the water falls. I walked to the gazebo at the top and imagined what the amazing view would be like if a few trees were trimmed or the view in the evening if a few accent lights were added. I walked behind our iconic Lakeview center in the round while a member was having a party inside our social halls. The views were spectacular! I imagined what the back of building would be like if we just combined social halls 1, 2 and 3 with a climatized patio with huge windows and made a relatively small addition to the building toward the lawn bowling courts. It is fun to let your imagination consider all the options we could consider if we were allowed to.
    Alas, that is not the political reality of our community as our elected officials have grandiose plans to build or buy big new things and package the "truth" into prepared remarks that justify the decision. Once again tremendous effort is being poured into controlling the outcome. Janet Curry so aptly noted Secrecy isn't working! Option 2 Deja vu. Again! Members will realize their libraries are gone eventually.
    While on the Board I know I made some mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. But one thing I am very proud of is I never spent a single second trying to package the truth into prepared statements. It doesn't work!!! The members expected me to give my best effort and an honest assessment. That is what I gave them, nothing more and nothing less. Why? Because I witnessed the fact that secrecy doesn't work! Thank you Janet!!!
    LoriEllingson and Janet Curry like this.
  2. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Executive Sessions / What others are saying outside of TOSC

    Janet CurryWell-Known Member

    “It's my understanding that since the RCSC does not function under municipal Sunshine Laws, our board can simply call a special session, that will be held exclusively in executive session, and only the directors, or whoever else may be included in that meeting, will receive notice of that meeting.

    Nobody else will know and unfortunately no rules were broken. The only thing broken is our trust!”

    Tom, I agree that the current bylaws, and Title 10, allow the Board to meet in private by calling a Special Session without notifying the Members. Also, the bylaws state that anything said or decided in Executive Sessions will be confidential, including the minutes. It might be time to consider abandoning Title 10 and go to Title 33 like Sun City West has done. That would create a big controversy though. Perhaps a governance review could shed some light on that. This much I know, secrecy isn't working!

  3. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Thanks for this post. It took me down my own little Sun City memory lane starting in 1981. Good times and bad I loved coming here and had the good fortune to be able to stay for 6 or 8 weeks during the bad. I have been around here for a very long time, full time starting in 2001. Too bad you are not still on the board John. People like you are needed here. I noticed a downward spiral starting sometime around 2005 or so. I had an obligation so I stayed. My mistake was not moving soon after 2012. Hopefully if all is well I can fix that mistake soon. Anyone want to purchase a beautiful 4 piece cherry wood executive desk with hutch and lighted curio space?? ;)
    Last edited: May 5, 2024
    Janet Curry likes this.
  4. I think serving on the board is the hardest job ever. We are now an aging community. The rec centers, amenities, everything has aged, and many things we offer are now are out of style and need a refresh. It is not easy to decide which thing we should update, rebuild, on this budget and with many clubs and residents negatively weighing in at every single meeting. The board has to ultimately make decisions for improvements ( where most are needed ). They are never going to be in the business of satisfying all the members here. I do think we need to take in consideration what amenities will greatly enhance and improve the community the most, and decide in this realm.
    I also think we need to stay current with amenities if we want to be a viably attractive place where people would want to buy a home here and make the investment. If we lose that, we lose the community.
  5. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    I could not agree more. We need a plan and an expert to take the emotion out of our planning. We need to plan carefully and spend carefully.
    John Fast
  6. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    Truer words have never been spoken. It isn't that hard to do but it takes time. There is too much turnover on this board. Perhaps elections every other year would be better.
    Enigma likes this.
  7. Linda McIntyre

    Linda McIntyre Well-Known Member

    Respectfully. I do think RCSC - the Board, management, and many hard working volunteers - are working hard to pick up the pieces. Our organizational structure isn't perfect - there isn't a perfect one. Even if a drastic change to Title 33 were to happen its not a panacea. If you've been watching SCW this past year, they've had recall petitions, the ouster of the board chair and their GM is gone. It's not all sunshine and roses, although they do a lot of things that I admire
    that we can learn from. We have a lot of catching up to do. While catching up, we also have to move forward using the best information available, the best professional resources, and gather the best ideas to form our new plans.

    Today we are entrusted with this community and it is our responsibility to make sure it can be sustained for the future. Of course, this means different things to different people. Will Sun City become just an "old and tired" place to go and live out your last years OR will it be "today's place for all retirees to enjoy that next great chapter in active senior living?" I know how I want Sun City to be seen AND experienced. Do we really want or need the same ideas, the same look, the same feel - for everything? Maybe it's time for some new thinking.
    Linduska, Enigma, Janet Curry and 2 others like this.
  8. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    I am sure SCW has their own issues, however I spent a lot of time with SCW community members on our board and some were on Benevilla's board as well. It's just different. I understand some of the differences and can even cite specific examples.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  9. BruceW

    BruceW Active Member

    Agreed, good words to live by; plan carefully and spend carefully! Time for new thinking… of course it is. However, we cannot ignore the past history. Forgotten history will be repeated… we don’t need that.
    Mistakes have been and will again be made, learn from them and move on.
    IMHO the biggest problem is members run for a board position only to push their own agenda… bad form and shame on them.
    Board members should only have the betterment of the community in mind with an eye on the spending.
    Also, communication from the board and management is key, at any time we as members should be able to go to a web page and see a complete status of any project or maintenance item. I know I’m dreaming here, but imagine becoming a new board member and knowing the status of everything!
    Enigma and Janet Curry like this.
  10. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    It's a wonderful concept, however history has been cited ad nauseum and the same mistakes have been repeated for the past 15 to 20 years. How does that get changed?
    Janet Curry likes this.
  11. BruceW

    BruceW Active Member

    An excellent question, I wish I had the answer.
    I’m sure it is difficult as a board member to not be overly zealous about your favorite thing, be it pickleball, golf, bowling, PAC, etc., but that is not the job you signed up for. I know I’m preaching to most of the choir and I haven’t signed up for the job yet, but maybe someday. I just wish we (the community) would get off the me, me, me, bandwagon and think community now and the future community and do it knowing we don’t have a never ending supply of cash.
  12. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Q. “How does it get changed?”
    A. Participate!
    Quotes from ~ Karen McAdam, VP in RCSC May UPDATE
    “Election Season for the 2025 RCSC Board kicks off soon! Participate in the process…
    The Membership will vote to elect five available director positions. The number is higher than the usual three who are concluding a three-year term, as two resignations this year leave additional spots open.”

    Who will the director candidates be? YOU? Help our community by serving… think about it.

    “…consider this an initial announcement that the election season for the 2025 RCSC Board will soon be kicking off. It’s just one of countless opportunities our members have to serve, and maybe it’s one you might consider. If it’s not for you, perhaps you know a qualified person you could urge to consider the role.“

    “Early June: Candidate packets available at the Lakeview Board/Corporate Office. All the information a candidate needs to get started. It spells out the qualifications for Board service, the requirements for getting on the election ballot, and all pertinent dates a candidate needs to keep in mind. RCSC Members with questions about serving on the Board such as the duties, responsibilities and time commitment who wish to attend an upcoming Candidate Information Session are asked to register in advance by calling

    The first session is on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 from 3 to 5pm in Lakeview Center Social Hall #2. The second one is Tuesday, September 24. If not a candidate.”

    If not a candidate, be involved by learning about the candidates, attend Candidate Forums and Vote!

    Election season ends on FINAL VOTING DAY, Tuesday, December 10th, 2024

    Read more in the RCSC May UPDATE on page 2 & 3:

    Last edited: May 11, 2024
    Janet Curry likes this.
  13. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Chris you know as well as I do recommendations come from past board members. That's how they get elected. An 'outsider' does not stand an ice cube's chance in hell of being elected when Bill posts his list of preferences. "My term is up but cast your vote for John Doe!!!" Don't you think John Doe will have the same mindset as termed out board member? I made a purposeful effort to vote for anyone not on that list last time. Names never even came up. You can't even say things will get better. The same people are behind it all. Just like the infamous Daley Machine in Chicago, but a much smaller scale. 15/20 years is a long time for the same old garbage. Maybe Gen X will fix it. I probably won't be around so in those classic words from Hillary ‘What difference, at this point, does it make?'
  14. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    YOU, doxing, after all of your rants about it??
    Do as you say by deleting your comment and post a duplicate without doxing!
    Janet Curry likes this.
  15. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    That's funny. I put both my first and last name in the signature line. I sent a message to owner of site to change my name. I opened a new email account to log in with my real name. That's your take-a-way from my comment. They all know who you are. You block me on other sites. So does Bill. Believe me you don't need to be afraid of me. In the words of your leader I did not doxx you. How many Chris' are there in Sun City??? (Josie's) I did not use your last name. I never met you, no clue what you look like. You doxed yourself my dear when you used both your first AND last name in a post to the admin of this site. It's out there for all to see. Beginning of December I believe. And you had ZERO issue with Bill for using my name. Also to quote Bill (you gave him a "like" on this one....Nobody gives a Sh*t who you are.

    No HH, my exact words were: "no one gives a shit who you are." And to be even more clear, the debate was regarding you being "doxed" when i used your first name only, "Josie." If you are going to quote me, please get it right. Thank you.

    BPearson, Apr 9, 2024Report
    FYI and eyesopen like this.

    Karma can be a bitch.
    Last edited: May 11, 2024
  16. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    WOW, that’s some reveal…how Karma isn’t the only…
    Taking this advice:
    Living in Sun City, a 55+ community, doesn’t come with a stress-free guarantee!

    Try this stress buster, it takes some practice, especially if you’re a people pleaser, but it works

    Do you often find yourself catching the unwelcome demands and needs of others?

    “If someone throws you the ball, you don’t have to catch it.” — Richard Carlson
    You can let it drop, move aside if you haven’t agreed to catch it.
    Dropping ALL untrue, problematic, pot-stirring, attempts from HH
    ⚽️ ⚾️
    Last edited: May 11, 2024
  17. Linda McIntyre

    Linda McIntyre Well-Known Member

    Josie. I respectfully disagree with your observation about the last two elections that many of us supported. When reviewing qualifications, candidate forums and many individual conversations, it was clear that the candidates were not single issue candidates. Yes. Some had strong ideas. Don't we all? But in the big scheme of Sun City, the supported candidates were the best suited OVERALL for Board positions. Many changes started two years ago, and the past 12 months many more internal changes are taking place. It may not be as obvious or as fast as many would like, but there is much more involvement by committees that will be making recommendations to the Board. There is a new relationship being built between management, the Board and committees communicating about critical matters and not working in silos. It's taking time to work through fixing the areas that are broken. Meetings for Golf, Finance, and Long Range Planning, where most of the discussions/recommendations are taking place are open to members. I realize they aren't recorded, but they are open. And Election Committee meetings are, as well.
    Janet Curry and eyesopen like this.
  18. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Just the truth and the facts Ma'am. How so on the reveal? It's been here for all to see since Bill posted it on April 9, 2024. It's not new.
  19. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Who are you quoting....not me. The only thing I said was Bill posted his preferred list of candidates. Never said a thing about single issue candidates, so no clue what you are talking about. Would appreciate clarity or redirecting post to the individual who said "single issue".

    Maybe you were referring to this???

    Agreed, good words to live by; plan carefully and spend carefully! Time for new thinking… of course it is. However, we cannot ignore the past history. Forgotten history will be repeated… we don’t need that.
    Mistakes have been and will again be made, learn from them and move on.
    IMHO the biggest problem is members run for a board position only to push their own agenda… bad form and shame on them.
    Board members should only have the betterment of the community in mind with an eye on the spending.
    Also, communication from the board and management is key, at any time we as members should be able to go to a web page and see a complete status of any project or maintenance item. I know I’m dreaming here, but imagine becoming a new board member and knowing the status of everything!

    BruceW, Today at 9:32 AMRepor
    Last edited: May 11, 2024
  20. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    I have the direct quote or "snip" if you will. How can you call me a liar? I may be a lot of things, however I am not a liar. That really pisses me off. No retort so let's just say she's a liar. Not cool. Don't have a good enough memory for that which is why I keep copies/notes.

    The curious thing is every post Bill or anyone else made that was derogatory towards me you replied in kind or "liked" the post. I get doxed, you like that, 7 times as a matter of fact. Not so funny anymore? But you agreed and 'liked' bills post it's not doxing if you only use a first name. It was a jolly good time when Bill was doing that to me wasn't it? Please explain the difference.
    Last edited: May 11, 2024

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