Responsibility and Accountability...

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by BPearson, May 13, 2023.

  1. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    For as long as i have been living in Sun City (20 years this week), i have been preaching and teaching those reading about the tenets the community were built under and around. Pretty simple really; the responsibility that comes with ownership and the accountability that comes with the decision making process so prevalent with self-governance.

    When we embrace those core concepts, amazing things happen. The funny thing is i took a lot of continuing education classes over the years, along with any number of leadership training sessions. Virtually everyone of them reminded us the more often we say and do things, the more often we will be likely to make a mistake. People who do and say nothing are seldom wrong.

    Sadly in today's society, almost no one admits a mistake. They either ignore it, or blame someone else for their errors. It's the new normal as we become accustomed to doing things without ownership or repercussions. Our mistakes are glossed over and if someone criticizes them, they quickly bemoan them as whiners (God forbid they should be right).

    Many of you know, i co-administrate a Facebook page called Sun City Chat AZ. This week has been tumultuous on the site. Posted were pictures of lounge chairs around the pool at the Marinette Rec Center. I got them late Tuesday night. I had been listening to the complaints being registered about them for a year or more but never in my wildest imagination expected what i saw in the photos.

    On Weds morning i posted one of them and the comments went wild. With nearly 200 angry responses, it triggered a firestorm of anger; as well it should. Those chairs should have been removed long ago. It's an embarrassment to our community and our way of life.

    On Thursday evening i got a voicemail on my phone from a good friend who told me the chairs at Marinette were there no more. I was stunned they acted that quickly but if it was true, good on the RCSC for removing the blight from our midst. Rather than posting the good news immediately Friday morning, i waited till i talked to me friend over the phone. He confirmed they were gone.

    I quickly let everyone know; problem solved. The comments flew and it was encouraging to see so many take such an interest in our community. It was how Sun City was built and why we were so successful; those living here cared and got involved. I was excited for the community and the RCSC membership.

    Then my balloon was popped as i got a text Thursday night that said the same old nasty pool furniture was still around the pool. I was left speechless and here's why: I know better. I have been engaged in this kind of stuff for years and i have one SOP (standard operating procedure); check it out yourself. I should have got my overly large backside up to Marinette and looked for myself. This one is on me. I appreciate the information from the folks who sent it, but i needed to see it up close and personal.

    Last night i signed off the Facebook page with my apologies and asked our 6000 plus members to check out Marinette for themselves. You can't preach responsibility and accountability if you don't hold yourself to those standards. At the conclusion of the post, i told the Chat members i had suspended myself for a week. As an administrator we do that from time to time with posters who push the limits.

    In this case, it was all on me. I have not gone back and i won't until next Saturday. There is good news in this whole debacle: Sun City's history has taught us no one and i mean NO ONE is all that important to the community's success. There's always been louder voices, but the reality is the collective voices of the community are far more likely to get results than a single voice.

    I honestly don't know the status of the pool furniture around Marinette, but i am 100% certain the bulk of those viewing the disgusting photos hate the idea anyone in our community should have to use something so bad. If it hasn't been fixed yet, it should be...and i mean quickly.
  2. Linda McIntyre

    Linda McIntyre Well-Known Member

    Bill, you always admit when you are wrong or make a mistake. Very admirable in today's society. The good news about last week - people are paying attention. The lesson learned - you explained it. We can never assume. I'll venture a guess - just a guess. Your friend took a quick look, saw a section of newer chairs and "assumed" problem solved without surveying the entire pool area. Admittedly, I don't use Marinette, so I don't know the set up, but a previous poster said there were only 24 chairs. If that's true, maybe they are scattered about. Whatever the case, I'm pretty certain your friend is pretty upset as well.

    Thank you for taking the high road, and thank you for trying every day to convey why Sun City is such a great place to enjoy our retirement years, why our history matters - and why being informed and involved matters. Self-governance takes determination, hard work, belief that everyone matters, and everyone has a voice.
    In the end, we know everyone isn't going to agree on every issue, and everyone makes mistakes, but isn't the goal always about trying our best in the interest of Sun City?

    Nobody can fault you for being Sun City's biggest cheerleader

    Just one woman's opinion.

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