Nothing Really Changes

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by Happy Hippie, May 12, 2024.

  1. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Just finished reading the most recent thread on Sun City Advocates website. Very interesting read.
    Linda McIntyre take back your apology because it IS the same old same old. It's the Stepford Board of Directors. Even current/past Stepford members can't agree. It's kind of humorous, yes? As stated on SCA the board works for the corporation, not the members. 10% of members huh? Sounds like an achievable number especially with all the angst caused over the past 15/20 years, and most definitely the past 2 years. Deferred maintenance, selling libraries, secret executive sessions, spend, spend, spend, rising fees. For all worried about the homeless and how unsafe Mt. View is and squatters stealing homes by acquiring deeds it might be nice to have a police department here. Just one person's thought.

    "It's a great life if you don't weaken" Faron Young
  2. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    HH I hope things do change over time. Someone used the word accepting on one of the posts and I think that is something I need to work on in order to be a better person and "member". Some self-proclaimed important folks have taken a verbal swing or two at me. For me, I need to accept that is just how they are and try not to let it affect my thinking. It is very difficult for me not to lash back out at them, but I feel I am making some very slow progress. Others might disagree.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  3. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    John, I learned a lot from being in Al Anon, the group for family members of alcoholics. I attended regularly for about a dozen years, still read their daily literature, and continue to meet and communicate with AlAnon friends. The 10 steps have helped me a great deal, especially using their slogans. My favorite is, "Progress, not perfection." That is where I learned to accept what I couldn't control, which is everyone else, what they do and what they say. The Serenity Prayer tells me that and I see it every morning in my bathroom.

    Another source for my piece of mind is a philosophy of living called The Four Agreements. Two of the most important ones for me are "Don't take anything personally" and "Don't make assumptions". I have had to work on those, but I have made good progress.

    You can find both by googling them or going to the library.

    When someone takes a verbal swing at you, evaluate whether it is accurate. If it is, take ownership, make amends if needed, and try to do better next time. If it really is about their biases and doesn't apply to you, just let it pass by you like the wind and don't take any ownership of it.

    Hope that helps!
    Last edited: May 16, 2024
    eyesopen likes this.
  4. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Janet, thank you for sharing your experience.
    Great nuggets of life advice for any one.
    Janet Curry likes this.

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