Like a Bond Issue

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by Larry, Jan 18, 2023.

  1. Larry

    Larry Well-Known Member

    In home rule cities, when major expenditures are proposed, they are normally funded with bond issues. For the project to be approved and move forward, the majority of the voters must first approve it.

    In Sun City, five people can decide to spend $40 billion on their own. Shouldn’t we have an actual vote in that decision?
    LoriEllingson likes this.
  2. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    It's a reasonable question Larry and one that has been asked often. We know they asked members about purchasing the Sun Bowl in 1981, but after that, it was pretty much left to the board and committees to make recommendations and ultimately decide. That said, you need recall the power of the membership with quarterly meetings and quorum's of 100. It was the ultimate litmus test of how good the board's decisions were or weren't.

    I know much has been made about the open process regarding the Mountain View remodel. The reality was the discussions were primarily from those living in the neighborhood and what they wanted. The answers were simple; theater, more pickleball courts and nice pools. A handful of folks talked about indoor basketball/volleyball. It was fairly reasonable in size and scope.

    Then the shit hit the fan when the building was re positioned and the price tag exploded. 40 million dollars became projected costs with roughly a 8-10 year building project. Is it reasonable? Would the majority of the membership vote for it? I doubt it, as i doubt if the majority of the membership would vote for the 8 million dollars earmarked for the desert landscaping at the South Course scheduled in 2025.

    There's the problem on large expensive projects that benefit the minority of the membership, they invariably are a hard sell. It's a juggling act and why i am and always have been in favor of town hall type meetings and and excessive amount of communication and transparency. Sadly, we have gone in the opposite direction, putting the decision making process in the hands of a few.
    LoriEllingson and eyesopen like this.
  3. Larry

    Larry Well-Known Member

    The board won’t approve even minor expenses for clubs but will drop $40 mil in one location is insane. How many of those that in favor of it will be around long enough to enjoy it.
    LoriEllingson, BPearson and eyesopen like this.
  4. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Clubs absolutely need to become the centerpiece of Sun City's existence, not some afterthought where only the strongest survive.
    LoriEllingson and Linduska like this.
  5. jeb

    jeb Well-Known Member

    It should be treated as a hard sell by those that want it - they need to convince enough people that even if they never step foot in the new place, it will maintain or raise their home value or it will benefit the community in some way. And yes, that's done with excessive communication and transparency. Which we all know has been missing. Let's encourage new Board to do just that!

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