It's Time, or very close to it...

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by BPearson, Dec 4, 2023.

  1. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Feels like i have been doing this for a near a lifetime; writing commentary and sharing my opinions regarding Sun City. Out of curiosity this morning, i checked my posts just on the site, 5,575. If memory serves me, those were all after the update done several years back.

    This is one of the many platforms i have been scratching out my thoughts on and i am coming to the point where it's time to walk away from the computer monitor and keyboard. I'm confident in those who have taken an interest in seeing Sun City move forward by preserving the values and tenets we were built on and around.

    They are pretty simple and easily identified: Accountability; responsibility; ownership; all of which help us embrace a sense of community. We're not there yet and admittedly, this next RCSC election (ending on Dec 12) will be important to the path continuing on.

    I've done my share, some positive, some not so much. Ultimately it isn't all that important or critical in the grand scheme of things. I've written often, all of us are just small cogs in the wheel of how Sun City turns. For the past 15 plus years we moved in a direction that was top-down driven; i was never comfortable that was a good thing for Sun City.

    This past year has proven my fears and concerns valid as the failed policies of letting one person decide our fate was flawed and counter-productive. The list is disturbing; badly out-dated technology, 20 million dollars of deferred maintenance and a golf structure that is archaically beyond repair lending to courses becoming worse rather than better (even after huge PIF investments), we simply weren't functioning well.

    I guess the best argument was the one we heard over and over..."ya but we're cheaper than everyone else." How true, and as this year comes to an end, we know exactly why. It was a short-sighted and poorly thought out plan and now we are all paying the price. To be even more blunt and clear...we had no real plan.

    Every time i write these things, it feels like i am trying to drag the community down, attacking the RCSC. I'm not and in fact it is more about the comparative process of then and now. Even with the turbulence and upheaval of 2023 it has been infinitely better than i had expected or hoped for.

    Assuming the RCSC election has a positive outcome by electing the candidates that are not running with a single issue agenda, it will be my time to walk away and let others step up. Sun City is filled with articulate and smart people who are more than capable to carry the torch.

    When i crawled out of bed at 3 am this morning, i knew it was with reason and purpose. Soul-searching has always been one of my demons and this one has been nagging at me for months now. Writing has always been cathartic for me, even more so this morning.

    Lest i forget, here's a gentle reminder; the RCSC Exchange meeting is a week earlier this month. So, perhaps we'll see you this Monday, December 4 at 9 am at the Sundial auditorium. I suspect the crowd will be minimal given the 7 open member meetings last month.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2023
  2. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    No! Please, no! If you need to step away for personal reasons, please do. However your wisdom has enlightened us and brought us to a new day. I don't know where RSCS would be if not for you. Thanks for your commitment, but continue to let us know your thoughts if possible.
  3. Cheri Marchio

    Cheri Marchio Active Member

    Ditto. Well said Janet.

    Bill you must do what is best for you, of course. But you are a solid voice for reason, for the community, in support of our history, and for forward-thinking - and we are not done with you yet!
    eyesopen, FYI, Linda McIntyre and 2 others like this.
  4. Linda McIntyre

    Linda McIntyre Well-Known Member

    I concur with Janet and Cheri, Bill. You provide history and perspective, plus have the ability to say what many want to but either lack the ability to articulate or the courage. If you need to step away, I thank you for your herculean efforts to keep SC moving forward and its residents informed and educated. However, you truly provide a critical service as an unelected representative - it's hard to put a value on what you do. Write less if you must, but your voice is important.
  5. Carol

    Carol Member

    Bill, it was talk of Sun City and most importantly your posts that informed me of what was going on in Sun City. The more I read the more I decided I needed to go and see for myself what was going on. It helped me to figure out that I needed to be more involved with our community! I had to laugh a little to myself when I read your post. You will never stop voicing your perspective of this community it is too much a part of you. I will say there are a ton of people who have not joined but still read Talk of Sun City regularly just to hear what you have to say. Yes your voice is important!!!
  6. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Thanks for thew kind words gang. Obviously i enjoy writing and as i said above, i do it as much or more for me as anyone who may read it. What i don't enjoy and no one really sees it is some of the nasty that goes on away from the TOSC pages. I have little interest in venting the social media issues other than to say, they exist. I don't care about likes, have no interest in followers or becoming an "influencer." As an aside, how did we ever get to a point where a person with no redeemable social value has 100's of thousands of followers and their job is posting meaningless crap that becomes their job?

    My goal has always remained simple and easily defined: Help those interested in Sun City better understand how and why it works. The vehicle has also remained constant; incorporating our history into the discussions and the current Sun City way of life. When you understand where we came from you better appreciate where we are trying to go and more importantly, why it matters.

    It was fascinating to me, as i had posted this thread yesterday morning, that a mere few hours later i had members at the Exchange tell me i couldn't quit or i shouldn't leave. Rolled into everything else that has been going on with the RCSC this past year, we know better communication is essential. We know they need to enhance their reach and depth and there is no one singular tool to accomplish that end.

    We know communication and education is an endless loop and that once you stop or limit outreach, goals are never met. This year has been a great first step...but they have a long way to go. Hopefully the RCSC members aren't willing or interested in electing single issue candidates who only care about what they want. I guess if nothing else, over the years, i have tried to hold peoples' feet to the fire. Given what we have been told this past year, i should have worked harder.
  7. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    I'd welcome you to the site Josie, but that would be disingenuous on my part. For a happy hippie, you really need to work on your whole smiley face thing. By the way, i never gave you authorization to post my materials from this site on a Facebook page. You might want to check with those attorneys you've hired to sue the RCSC on whether you can legally do that without permission.

    Oh wait, you're moving out of SC because you hate it here. Oh wait some more; how can you be the happy hippie when you are so busy hating on stuff?

    Life's mysteries.
  8. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Stop already with the nonsense, "no clue what you are talking about." Really? I can go pull up the crap you've posted on the Sun City Facebook page and spell it all out for you. It's really just not worth my time or energy. Think about things before you hit the keyboard and then for goodness sake, try and remember what you have said. You hate me for some unknown reason, you hate Sun City, you hate Nextdoor and you've been asking for a realtor who specializes on properties outside of Sun City.

    I ignored your foolishness on my post about Del Webb and Jim Boswell being fortunate because of all the donations when the hospital was being built. Webb and Boswell were both millionaires many times over and both insured the hospital was built with substantial money and in-kind work. Oh wait, you probably don't remember those comments either.

    If you have health issues, take care of them and quit worrying/agonizing over what i write. Life is way easier when you aren't filled with hatred.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  9. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    By the way Josie, those posts across other social media sites by people have had my blessing to post. You don't.
  10. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Accountability: : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions.

    Such a simple concept and such a powerful word. Too bad so many refuse to take ownership of their own actions.
    Janet Curry and eyesopen like this.
  11. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    What a disappointing detour this thread has taken :(

    Back to Bill’s contemplating his future writing contributions…

    If you don’t read them, please find an existing thread, create a new topic of discussion you are interested in, or move on to a different platform.

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2023
    Janet Curry likes this.
  12. Linda McIntyre

    Linda McIntyre Well-Known Member

    Happy Hippie...please take your negative unhappiness someplace else. This site is a place for residents of Sun City to discuss issues in a constructive manner, not a place for personal grievances or attacks on personalities. You haven't found a new audience - we know your song; it's old and tiresome. It won't gain new listeners.
    Mark Yates, FYI, Linduska and 4 others like this.
  13. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Took over? Really Josie? It's almost laughable, except your twisted logic is pathetically frightening. Your stalker-like behaviors are troubling and your commentary is even more bothersome. You simply have no attachment to reality. It is exactly why you have been booted off so many social media sites and why those who participate find your rude comments so distasteful. Then you couch it all in your "cancer issues" and everyone is supposed to accept your comments...well, because you are sick.

    You've now posted my remarks 5 times (or more) and not once did you post the entirety of my comments. So let me help you out and post them so you can't twist them out of context: "I have little interest in venting the social media issues other than to say, they exist. I don't care about likes, have no interest in followers or becoming an "influencer." As an aside, how did we ever get to a point where a person with no redeemable social value has 100's of thousands of followers and their job is posting meaningless crap that becomes their job?"

    The point, which you clearly couldn't grasp was the recent phenomena of "social media influencers." Many who have 100's of thousands of followers regarding topics that are meaningless to me and i suspect a host of others. I can post hundreds of links of examples, but why bother? Let me give you the classic example using Kim Kardashian. She has 359 million Instagram followers. Personally i wouldn't open a link, newspaper article or photograph with the Kardashian name attached to it. That's just me personally, i fail to understand what she has ever done to garner that much attention. It makes zero sense to me. The good news for Kim is, she could care less what i think about her. Tit for tat eh?

    Her fame is an easy target. The lessor ones, those creating social media buzz with endless, mindless videos, or those giving reviews on everything from artichokes to zebras are simply beyond my comprehension. I grew up believing in a strong work ethic and actually producing something of value. By the way, that doesn't make me right, it's just my opinion.

    Finally, your chronic belching about my "narcissism" is more absurd than almost all the other tripe you post. Here's what i have written a dozen times or more and to be clear, this was in the opening of this thread: "I've done my share, some positive, some not so much. Ultimately it isn't all that important or critical in the grand scheme of things. I've written often, all of us are just small cogs in the wheel of how Sun City turns."

    "All of us are just small cogs in the wheel of how Sun City turns."

    Hope that helps clear up some of your delusional perspectives.
    eyesopen and Janet Curry like this.
  14. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Apparently Happy Hippie did too many doobies back in the 70's and has lost any real friends she ever had, so now she's all alone looking for attention?

    Just my opinion! :)
    eyesopen and Janet Curry like this.
  15. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    So here's the story gang: Josie claims she stopped by our house on Desert Rock Drive years back and we invited her in with her dog. Then she claimed the dog peed on our floor and i got really angry with her. I had zero recollection of the story from some 15 years ago. This year she popped up on one of the Facebook pages i help out on and she started in with the same crap you are reading here. I tried to be civil with her and it became obvious she had an axe to grind with me.

    It got nasty and rather than play children's games I banned her from the page. Then the crap started on the Sun City Advocate's page and she was kicked off there as well. Now i hear she's been suspended on Nextdoor. Imagine my surprise when i found my post "It's Time, or very close" from TOSC posted on another Facebook page called Sun City (bonus points for guessing who posted it there). The reason to post it it was to try and disparage me. Along with it she made some particularly foolish statements, i simply ignored them.

    I guess that spurned her to join here and start doing her same old same old routine. What is fascinating is the continuous commentary about me running Sun City. I have tried to stay away from the internal day to day happenings and tried to become a source of information. Josie has stated repeatedly she hates the RCSC; hates Sun City as a community and has made any number of statements she is moving out. Oddly her Facebook page claims she lives somewhere other than Sun who knows? Who cares?

    I could make an educated guess about what her problem is, but she's simply not worth it. For those of you who enjoy reading TOSC, my apologies over both the spammer and the troll. I have absolutely no administrative capabilities here so it is what it is until the admin/owner makes an effort to clean it all up.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2023
    Janet Curry and eyesopen like this.
  16. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    More distorted memory.
    I saw what really happened on Nextdoor!
    By the way, things are great again, oh…you’re not there to notice, are you?
    You may want to delete your falsehoods should the person you’re maligning be on TOSC!
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2023
    old and tired and Janet Curry like this.
  17. Tom Trepanier

    Tom Trepanier Well-Known Member

    Reminds me of the Bong Show or was it the Gong Show?
  18. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    The truth is i don't recall your dog peeing in our house, nor does my wife btw. It's neither here nor there because as i have told you, we invited countless people into our house on Desert Rock who stood out front staring at it, you apparently were one of them. I never disputed that, you simply didn't register as you told me some far-fetched story about how angry i got. We've had dogs our entire lives, usually two at a time. We've spent the past 50 plus years cleaning up our homes after them. Dogs, pee, puke and poop and as the saying goes; shit happens. We learned early on to make our homes pet friendly and easy to clean up.

    You really need help. I would hope you find it.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  19. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    For cripes sake Happy Hippie...give it a freak'n rest!

    If you have a personal gripe with Bill then go to his home, you apparently know where he lives, and settle it there!

    We don't need to hear about your personal problems with Bill.

    Get a life!
  20. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Doxing would mean someone would have to tell people your name; all i have ever used is "Josie," which i have no idea if that's a real name or a screen name. You really need help.

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