Generally, what do you view the role of the Board is?

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by John Fast, May 19, 2024.

  1. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    It is a question I have wrestled with...
    Enigma and Janet Curry like this.
  2. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Please clarify. How we view the actual role of a board, or how we view what the board is actually doing?
  3. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    Let me try and clarify.

    The RCSC Board, as representatives of the members seem to have three objectives stated in the corporate documents:

    Oversight of the affairs of the corporation
    (e.g. Approving annual budgets)
    Making policy through the Bylaws and Board Policies
    (e.g., Following Roberts rules)
    Developing and approving a long range capital plan to be funded by the PIF and CIF

    The board receives advice from member committees to carry out their duties.

    Management is responsible for making operational decisions, implementing long range plan decisions and representing the corporation in front of outside bodies (e.g., MCLD)

    Except where required by bylaws/Board Policies (eg., board meetings, information sessions, and open committee meetings) the Board and Management are not required to disclose information about the operations or plans.

    Do you feel the Board is working within these guidelines or is it hard for you to tell because you don't have enough information on what they are really doing?
    Janet Curry likes this.
  4. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Yes, while providing their fiduciary responsibilities as they provide anything and everything in the interest of the Members.
    It would be nice if they did follow Robert's Rules, but they are lacking in their knowledge.
    You mean that we are finally getting a 5 year budget?
    The Board needs to remember that because they are elected by the Members, they are a subordinate assembly to the Members.
    Are we referring to managements decision to close the Library at Fairway?
    I think this could be an arguable point. Here again, think about the decision on the libraries and what's going on behind the scenes with the property on Thunderbird. Have you heard anything new on Mountain View lately?
    Still too many issues that we only find out about after the fact. They preach "transparency" but....
    Enigma and Janet Curry like this.
  5. I don’t mind the Robert’s Rules of Order but we need a certified parliamentarian by the National organization. I also believe Robert’s is inappropriate in some areas.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  6. You are getting a five year capital reserve plan and a five year capital projects plan. These are incorporated into the overall budget but are not the budget per se.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  7. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    Sir Villehardouin, The arrival of these great scrolls will no doubt be heralded with trumpets and town halls. It is refreshing to see we can have plans coexist with budgets. We shall await declassification of the details of your committee's work.
    Linduska likes this.
  8. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Oversight of the affairs of the corporation People in governance and oversight must work together to decide how governing actions and management actions are balanced to reliably achieve objectives, address uncertainty, and act with integrity.

    Not sure if balanced, one board member was almost asking recently during a vote if she could vote no. They do address uncertainty, but do they have our trust? Yes they, for the most part, act with integrity. I have seen several eye rolls and heard several hot mic moments.

    Making policy through the Bylaws and Board Policies
    (e.g., Following Roberts rules)

    I have not looked at Roberts rules for a long time, so not fair to comment. I do know there are CliffsNotes versions available and maybe it would be helpful for the board to review from time to time.

    Developing and approving a long range capital plan to be funded by the PIF and CIF
    If “it’s in progress” or “we are working on it but it takes time” is considering developing then yes. Approving, no as it’s all in progress.

    The board receives advice from member committees to carry out their duties.
    Not sure how committee members give their meeting results to the board

    Management is responsible for making operational decisions, implementing long range plan decisions and representing the corporation in front of outside bodies (e.g., MCLD)
    I did hear them (the board) state during one of the meetings that the ultimate decision will be made by them after consideration of the members (residents).

    Except where required by bylaws/Board Policies (eg., board meetings, information sessions, and open committee meetings) the Board and Management are not required to disclose information about the operations or plans.
    That’s a factual statement. Do I personally think it’s right? No.

    Do you feel the Board is working within these guidelines or is it hard for you to tell because you don't have enough information on what they are really doing?

    “SC Advocates” Mantra: Communicate, Educate, Participate

    Grand avenue bldg.: someone commented it was done in the dark of night
    Libraries: No one knew about it until info leaked
    ASU Survey results: took one year for LRP to present to board. Then I was told it is up to each one of us to get the report for ourselves.

    I don’t see many examples of communication or education, so why participate?
    Janet Curry likes this.
  9. Tom Trepanier

    Tom Trepanier Well-Known Member

    5 year plan was due end of May. Where it be?
    Janet Curry likes this.
  10. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    When you disagree with a Robert's Rule you can write a special rule of order that supersedes RR's, but of course the RCSC has no idea what a special rule of order even is!
    Linduska and Janet Curry like this.
  11. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Committees make recommendations to the Board in a Report.

    If a motion is made from the recommendation of the Report at a Board meeting, the motion does not require a "second" to be voted on because the committee already approved it. (as long as the committee has more than one member)
    Linduska and Janet Curry like this.
  12. How about a new by law?
    Janet Curry likes this.
  13. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    That would work as well.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  14. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    When I was on the Bylaws Review Committee, Robert's Rules of Order was not a priority. Therefore, I ordered a laminated "cheat sheet" for each committee member, paid with my own money. For all I know, no one ever referenced it or thanked me.
    Linduska, eyesopen and carptrash like this.
  15. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    That says A LOT and is a damn shame!
    Janet Curry likes this.
  16. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    Thank you Janet for caring about the rules of order and our community. In my opinion, RR are there to help facilitate an orderly process at all meetings and should be followed or the bylaws changed so they do not have to be followed. IT is hard to tell if our governance has improved because the decisions are being made behind closed doors and there have been a few major missteps. None of what I describe as missteps cost RCSC any money so I chalk it up to progress. However, I was extremely disappointed the Board threw the GM under the bus on the library mishap.
    old and tired and Janet Curry like this.
  17. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    I didn't follow all the details but it seemed to me that the GM pretty much jumped under the bus all by himself. Please feel free to set me straight.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  18. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

  19. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    The Board was fully aware of what was going on...
    Linduska and Janet Curry like this.
  20. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    Do you mean with the library fiasco?
    Janet Curry likes this.

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