Con Artists in SC

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by fixj, Oct 19, 2018.

  1. fixj

    fixj Active Member

    Returned to SC and learned a neighbor had lost his spouse. They had been married as long , or longer, as most of us have been alive. Shortly after his wife's passing con artists , posing as friends of his wife, showed up expressing sympathy, gained access to his home and stole his valuables.

    I recall when my Dad passed away here in SC, a man called asking about the service, he claimed he grew up with my Dad. Didn't think much about it until later. He sounded too young to have grown up with my Dad.

    Let's all watch out for our neighbors , especially when they are most vulnerable.
    Emily Litella likes this.
  2. pegmih

    pegmih Well-Known Member

    I have a "NO SOLICITORS" sign near my front door.
    They pay no attention. Just last week a scroungy old man came to the door offering to paint.
    I often find notices attached to my front gate.
    BTW I think SC does have a no soliciting policy.
    And, who can resist answering the door?
    I have told friends and neighbors to ring several times.
    Unfortunately, UPS, USP, etc. rings once.
  3. Adam560

    Adam560 Member

    Sun City DOES NOT have any policy against door to door soliciting. Who would enforce such a policy ?

    Get a security door and a peep hole in your front door, and use them both. It's your house and you decide who gets to come into it.

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