Bill Pearson to pick up a packet to run for the board

Discussion in ' News' started by CMartinez, Aug 23, 2022.

  1. CMartinez

    CMartinez Well-Known Member

    "Which is why i am picking up a packet this coming week. I absolutely don't want to waste three more years of my life serving on a board where i get to vote no on doing stupid shit because that's what the gm wants done. That said, i refuse to let them maintain control where they just act as if there is nothing wrong with giving away our assets. As i wrote the other day, there will be at least three quality candidates to choose from who believe the community should have a voice."

    I thought this newsworthy enough to start a new thread for all of us interested in the option of Bill running for the board of the RCSC.

    I, for one, am thrilled. I know this was not an easy decision for him, but will do this for the benefit of the community as a whole as well as the individual members of the RCSC.

    Thank you Bill Pearson for your continued support of this community and your very valuable knowledge of the history and value that is the "sum total of its parts" that is Sun City
  2. Alesia m Brown

    Alesia m Brown New Member

    Good for you Bill. You went toe to toe with the G.M. and the Board at yesterday's meeting. A sad state of affairs we are looking at this day without a leg to stand on. So now that we are all second-class members, and it is more important to keep our Peoria and Glendale flat belly's happy with all of our golf courses. Not sure what we need to proceed, I think it's time for a big shake up in Management. Alesia brown

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