Does anybody know Steve Manolis Mr. Pickleball? Has this individual had his hands on any Sun City members or board members in regards to...
And btw I find that the folks from Washington think that they are entitled. People south of Grand need to open up their wallets and start showing...
When you have lived here as long as have you can have the right to say that. After 20 plus years here I can hardly go to the store.
Tom the time you spend on here every day you could be picking up trash and animal waste in the medians. The Washington cliques here are pathetic....
The reason numbers for the auditorium was down is because the place is a shithole, the neighborhood is not safe, and nobody cares to go south of...
And John why are posting on a public forum? I think this is inappropriate as a board member.
Thank you Rusty. For those who weren't here then, this was a battle that they lost. There was an outcry over this. The new colors allows it to...
So pickleball originated in Seattle Washington. All you newbies from Washington that are here are the ones causing all the problems in Sun City....
Looks like most of the newbies in Sun City trying to hijack everything for themselves are from Washington. Just out of curiosity, how many of you...
You know GD well I don't think outsider should get cheaper rates but the numbers you throw out saying cheap golf what if these outside people buy...
All right I'm going to chime in I don't give a shit if you agree with me or not but half of you don't know what the hell you're talking about. You...
Correct me if I am wrong (I know you will) have any of these candidates lived here for 5 years or more? And who are they? How many of these are...
You could find some land and build a 10-story pickleball facility if you wanted to all you need is open space in these buildings nothing special...
Separate names with a comma.