Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by eyesopen, Jan 11, 2024.

  1. Larry

    Larry Well-Known Member

  2. Larry

    Larry Well-Known Member

    Your posts have convinced me that you would be miserable no matter where you chose to live. That glass is half empty in your eyes, most of us choose to view it as half full. I’d much rather have the board drag their feet as opposed to rushing in and committing to a $40 million boondoggle like the previous administration.
    eyesopen and Janet Curry like this.
  3. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Hahaha!! You know nothing about me other than I don't care for SC. But there ya go! Deflect and turn political.......To quote Jon Lovitz character "yeah that's the ticket!" You are not exactly a ray of sunshine on social media Larry. Pot/Kettle. BTW does your BS soup come with a crap sandwich side?
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2024
  4. Tom Trepanier

    Tom Trepanier Well-Known Member

    I could take a guess at the “elements” to be discussed, but would like to see a listing. Anyone know what these “elements” are?
    eyesopen and Janet Curry like this.
  5. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    I suspect their email blast was intentionally vague so as to try and get as many members to attend as possible. I have no problem with that. Clearly defined agendas serve a purpose, meetings where they are soliciting comments and reactions tend to be more broad and far reaching. It would be asking too much for the new board and gm to have a set plan in place, but at the last member exchange the comment was made for them to please act quickly. I see the meeting on the 18th as just that; a response to the members ask.

    As far as the comments about the Sun City Foundation, i would beg anyone reading the posters negativity and distrust with a grain of salt. It's obvious they are oblivious to how the foundation works. In fact, wrapping themselves in some convoluted "doxing" theory, tells you all you need to know. The idea anyone on this site or in Sun City cares about who someone may be on TOSC is crazy on so many levels.

    The Foundation is there to help members who need assistance paying their lot assessment. They were created for that purpose; members who outlive their resources have an alternative. That's a good thing; encouraging those who need it with some sort of conspiracy crap is a bad thing. Sun City has always tried to help those in need. It's yet another way the unique aspect of our structure makes us special.
    Janet Curry and eyesopen like this.
  6. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Doxxing definition: Doxxing is a form of online harassment that means publicly exposing someone's real name, address, job, or other identifying info without a victim's consent. The aim of doxxing is to humiliate, bully, harass, or otherwise harm a victim.Jun 7, 2023


    I 'd welcome you to the site Josie, but that would be disingenuous on my part. For a happy hippie, you really need to work on your whole smiley face thing. By the way, i never gave you authorization to post my materials from this site on a Facebook page. You might want to check with those attorneys you've hired to sue the RCSC on whether you can legally do that without permission. (post not there)

    Oh wait, you're moving out of SC because you hate it here. Oh wait some more; how can you be the happy hippie when you are so busy hating on stuff?

    Life's mysteries.

    BPearson, Dec 6, 2023


    Linduska, Cheri Marchio, Janet Curry and 3 others like this.

    · [​IMG]
    Janet Curry likes this.
  7. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    Nobody gives even one shit who you are; no one. Your self-inflated sense of worth is almost beyond comprehension. It's fine to love yourself, expecting others to when your whole purpose is to blow stuff up is crazy.
    Michael Wendel and FYI like this.
  8. Linda McIntyre

    Linda McIntyre Well-Known Member

    The Board may be providing an update in preparation for their Board meeting to keep things moving. Maybe we're confusing terminology. I thought the elements list is the step that takes the comprehensive "deep dive" in to each component part of the facility by the various user groups so the architects can do the detailed design of the project, which, according to Marlene (at the SAC meetings) will take time. Maybe the Board is ready to proceed and make a decision to get MV started. They could have a first and second reading this month and MV would be rolling.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  9. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    You never fail to amaze. Sitting waiting with my sweet 15 year old dog and it occurred to me you missed the whole point of my statement. You would rather belittle me by saying nobody gives a shit about me. Lovely. My point Bill was I signed up here with a fake name. You told all my real name, yet you say SHF protects anonymity. How can I believe that when a prominent member/SC Historian gives away my identity? You address eyesopen as EO, yet you use my name. I worked for Sun Health Foundation for many years. I understand confidentiality. You sir would not know confidentiality if it hit you upside the head.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2024
  10. Tom Trepanier

    Tom Trepanier Well-Known Member

    Yes it may just be terminology. And that is why I was asking. Paul H. also was wondering about these “elements” and he served on the SAC. Anyone know if the structural engineers have completed their testing?
    Janet Curry likes this.
  11. Tom Trepanier

    Tom Trepanier Well-Known Member

    Ok, will wait for the meeting. More will be revealed at some point.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  12. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    I would not worry about folks reading this, considering there are only about 5/6 regular posters.
  13. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    “The Foundation is there to help members who need assistance paying their lot assessment. They were created for that purpose; members who outlive their resources have an alternative. That's a good thing; encouraging those who need it with some sort of conspiracy crap is a bad thing. Sun City has always tried to help those in need. It's yet another way the unique aspect of our structure makes us special.” BPearson

    Thanks for championing the Sun City Foundation.

    At any given time, guests visit this forum. At 10:52am today, Monday, 1.15.24 there are 341 guests right now.

    Your encouragement may make a difference in some of their circumstances.

    Neighbor helping neighbor!
    Janet Curry likes this.
  14. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    There sure are a lot of members on now. Problem is we don't know what they are viewing. There are links to SC's across the US, not to mention the myriad of other topics on this site. HAGD. Off to vet.
  15. Janet Curry

    Janet Curry Well-Known Member

    Perhaps the Board meeting on MV is an open discussion between Directors on the information they have regarding MV. If so, I applaud them for doing so with Members present.
  16. Tom Trepanier

    Tom Trepanier Well-Known Member

    (could be, should be, would be.) We should know what the meeting plan is before the meeting. Why such mystery? Transparency?
    Janet Curry likes this.
  17. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Well technically it's not our meeting! This isn't a Town Hall, it's a meeting of the board!

    They specified in the call of the meeting the business to be addressed and that's all that's required!

    I'm sure we'll find out soon enough?
    Janet Curry likes this.
  18. Tom Trepanier

    Tom Trepanier Well-Known Member

    To create some synergy, let membership know what is meant by “elements”. With synergy will come more participation. Leaving members to guess and speculate is showing a lack of transparency. I guess I could email a board member for more info, but have done that before with no response.
    Linda McIntyre and Janet Curry like this.
  19. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    I don't expect any decisions will be made at this meeting and the more vague that their intentions are the fewer challenging questions they'll get from the Members!

    This will be an interesting meeting. I just hope it moves things to its final conclusion rather than opening up another can of worms!
  20. Tom Trepanier

    Tom Trepanier Well-Known Member

    Understood FYI, though I would think the board would want and need challenging questions.
    Linda McIntyre and Janet Curry like this.

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