Neglect of Union Hills Country Club still going on

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by Eileen McCarty, Apr 26, 2024.

  1. Hello, This question is for Bill P. or anyone who knows. Why is Union Hills Country Club being sorely neglected by the supposed new owners? Does anyone know?
    If I lived across from that place, I would be raising heck. That place is a disgrace and an eyesore to the entire community here. Why are the residents petitioning the owners of that property to do something? I have tried writing to ownership several years ago. Yes, about 4 years ago, that is how long the place has looked neglected.
    I am trying to remember I contacted county, and they couldn't give me a straight answer because owner lives in Canada. I don't think that is a good enough reason. Back then, I think owner told county that they where going to renovate...but that was a good 4 years ago. Is anyone concerned about this?? If you drive by this week, it should concern you. I am still trying to figure out what to do in holding property owners responsible for these neglected places. Someone mentioned Palmbrook, that place is no longer what it was either. It hurts to see our country go down. I am not going to sit around and do nothing. This is why our country is going down now, a massive apathetic population that just wants to be entertained. We all need to be more concerned about the downgrading of the country. You can't sit on your laurels and do nothing, or just pontificate on this blog-site. You have to back up your words with action. I know this is a new topic, but someone mentioned Palmbrook, and it had me thinking of the site of Union Hills Country Club. I am backing up my words. You can write your district representatives here, the county, the govenor, we all can and should be doing this. As you start your day today, think about improving the world around you. Life is not just about having fun times and writing on these blogs. Have a good day!
    Janet Curry likes this.
  2. Sambo

    Sambo Active Member

    Does anyone have a say in the condition of a private business if it's not condemned or breaking laws? I don't know the answer to that. It's similar to the 99th Ave strip mall parking lot situation.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  3. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Apr 26, 2024
    Eileen McCarty and Janet Curry like this.
  4. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Eileen gets it, @Emily Litella gets it. You all can scream/yell/swear and write novella's about your love for Sun City, but nothing will change. I have called HOA twice about a house on my street. Yard is full, and I mean full of stink net. Nothing. I am out (in ill health) killing my weeds, for what?? Not only is there that dang invasive weed I have no clue how many live there, with children. HOA does not care, why should I? Reported guy on my street repairing/selling golf carts from his home (backyard) HOA doesn't care. 3 messages re that one, My cart is not running well, I'll go ask him to take a look at it. Support our local businesses! If you don't see the crummy looking duplex properties and the general deterioration of this community get out of your car now. You should not be driving with your eyes closed. So let's bow our heads and give thanks for the past 15 years of board members, after all it's not their fault they have trouble, especially with the bylaws, there is just too much to remember, I was told.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
    Janet Curry likes this.
  5. suncityjack

    suncityjack Active Member

    From what I can tell, the new owners have been trying. The same men who own Palmbrook own Union Hills and you'll notice both clubs have changed their logos and make clear these are no longer closed clubs. A new coffee shop has been put in at Palmbrook and that section has bee renovated. They have Taco Tuesdays and AYCE fish fries on Fridays. I have been delighted with both and can't understand why so few people go. They've taken out ads in the weekly Independent re: the coffee shop. The Union Hills location had a Pizza and Pinot event with live music from 3-6 last Wed. and maybe that will be a regular event. I think after buying the property, Covid hit and everything slowed, but I'm seeing encouraging signs....
    Janet Curry and Linda McIntyre like this.
  6. suncityjack

    suncityjack Active Member

    Janet Curry likes this.
  7. Sambo

    Sambo Active Member

    My guess is those who live on UH course voted to keep it a golf course. I think that comes into play somewhere. No pun intended.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  8. old and tired

    old and tired Active Member

    They haven't owned that course for very long. Nothing happens fast in Maricopa County. Hiring the contractors, permits, inspections, ADWR, all take time.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  9. fixj

    fixj Active Member

    15 years ago a developer proposed buying UHCC with plans to put 36 ( ?) condos on the SW corner of the parking lot, building a new , smaller club house, and eliminating the tennis courts. The proposal required unanimous approval of property owners abutting the property. Ten voted no, killing the deal.
    The deed restrictions will keep UH a golf course.
    Eileen McCarty and Janet Curry like this.
  10. SCR

    SCR Active Member

    Until a smart law firm gets involved.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  11. old and tired

    old and tired Active Member

    Why don't you give them some time. They haven't owned it for very long! They may be waiting for approval from the county, for the contractors to finish their current job, or many other things. Their other courses look fine and I'm sure Union Hills will too!
    eyesopen and Janet Curry like this.
  12. 3GenSCAZ

    3GenSCAZ Member

    Swing First Golf bought the club in June 2023. While I agree the outside of the club is an eyesore all of your complaining here is useless. Why don’t you pick up the phone and speak with the owner David Ashton to find out what the property rehabilitation plan is. If you don’t feel comfortable making the call ask the local paper to reach out to Mr. Ashton and get the scoop and publish it in next weeks free paper.
    eyesopen likes this.
  13. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Oh my. Logic. Is anyone posting here living on UH golf course? I have not driven by there in a very long time so no clue what it looks like.
  14. Sambo

    Sambo Active Member

  15. old and tired

    old and tired Active Member

    Most people probably don't even know where Union Hills is. How about the old Sinclair station, the shopping center of all resale stores by the Sun Bowl, most of the buildings on Coggins. You don't mention them but seem hung up on Union Hills.

    Palmbrook looks fine to me.
    Janet Curry and eyesopen like this.
  16. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Janet Curry likes this.
  17. SCR

    SCR Active Member

    O&T why not enlighten everyone on these locations.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  18. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    He said by the Sun Bowl. If you have never been to that area I suggest you take a drive South on 111th and just drive around to see for yourself. The Sun Bowl is South East at 111th and Peoria. But you know that don't you? Cruise on over to 107th and just drive. He also mentioned Coggins. Drive around 103rd and Coggins, then drive down Oakmont. You may get to see someone peeing in a Sun City yard like my friend saw in her yard. Enlightened enough now?
    Last edited: May 4, 2024
    Janet Curry likes this.
  19. HH, I forgot, at the SE corner of 111th and Peoria is, I believe, an Episcopal church, but a church nonetheless.
    Enlightened Now!
  20. Sambo

    Sambo Active Member

    Money. The answer is money (and some greed mixed in by business owners). You can't compare the economics of 40 years ago to today. People move to Sun City because it is "affordable." They don't have the money to support establishments like in the past. Fees for everything far outweigh what people are bringing in. More than you probably know are in survival mode. SCHOA can't even get people to pay $25 a year for a membership. Residents balk at raising fees by $50 a year but want everything to look pristine (on someone else's dime). Actual cities have more $ from sales and property taxes to keep things on the up-and-up. Sun City doesn't have that luxury and depends a lot on its community members. And that is how the community members have wanted it since the beginning. Incorporation would most likely be what helps.
    Last edited: May 4, 2024
    Janet Curry likes this.

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