Deleted but not gone

Discussion in 'Non Sun City Related Discussions' started by Josie P, Jan 10, 2025 at 1:21 PM.

  1. Josie P

    Josie P Well-Known Member

    Public Income Statement Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by OneDayAtATime, Dec 19, 2024. Page 4 of 4 < Prev 1 2 3 4

    Josie, I truly believe you are in need of serious mental health support. Anyone who does nothing but try to hurt and name call others, in order to make yourself appear to be right really does need serious behavioral health support. You repeatedly state you are making your statements to point out what was said is wrong.,Someone’s opinion is not wrong, it’s how they perceive the truth of the situation. When you do any writing,? it’s done with such malice and ignorance of the facts are as being presented. I, as well as others, want to continue to use TOSC as a tool for exchange of ideas for the betterment of the community. Your vile comments, followed by pasting many years old portions of posts only exemplifies the fact that you are being immature, childish, selfish and ignorant of current issues that need a positive change to make this community better. Posting old dead segments of posts that are relevant from a historical perspective but not completing the thought only proves your in desperate need of professional help. I do not pity you nor do I care what you do about making yourself better, but at least have human decency to allow others to seek better answers without your attacks. This is the only time I will ever ask you for anything. From this point forward, every time you attack, harass, belittle or otherwise place yourself as judge and jury over someone else’s opinion, I will report your post. This is Talk of Sun City, not Josie’s personal pity part.

    SunCityGal, Today at 1:25 AM Report
    eyesopen likes this

    Being that I already used my google drive here, and understand how it works now, here is the whole page, Just because you delete something does not mean it's gone. Also Carp's comment legitimized.

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