RCSC Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, May 30, 2024

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by eyesopen, May 23, 2024.

  1. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    PARTICIPATE! RCSC Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, May 30, 2024 @ 9am Sundial Center Auditorium

    NOTE: All RCSC Members/Cardholders are welcome to attend RCSC Board Meetings.

    • View Meeting Agenda - pages 1 - 5 Attachments- pages 6 - 36 , (Minutes, Treasurers, Finance & Management Reports)

    AGENDA MOTIONS (Member comments welcome)
    See the agenda for two (2) Committee Recommendations, three (3) Second Reading and four (4) New Business motions.

    This is a board business meeting, there is no open forum for attendees to address the board.

    • RCSC Members in attendance may signup to speak ONLY about the agenda motions before 9am.
    • Be sure to have ir know your RCSC member number.
    • Speakers are allowed three minutes to express opinions about a motion.
    • Want to address more than one of the motions? Signup for each individual motion.

    Unable to attend? View video, usually next day, on RCSC YOUTUBE Channel:

    • Source: RCSC Board & Committee Meetings
  2. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    May 30th Board Agenda – Things to watch.

    (First names are used for purposes of brevity)

    Four big items are not on the agenda – the Five-Year plan, Mountainview, the Thunderbird Property and the Library leases. These will likely be covered in Matthew, Kat, Tom, or Preston’s LRP report.


    Insurance (Tom) – Accept the committee’s recommendation to continue coverage at increased rates and decline terrorist insurance. (Costs are going up folks)

    Election (Karen) – Common sense motion to make the election process a little more friendly.

    Golf (Preston) – Motion to assure gender equality on the greens committee.

    PIF (Jim) – Motion to stop flippers from gaming the system and to allow widowers and widows not on title who inherit house to live in the home without paying a PIF.


    Golf (Preston) – Approve (PIF Funds) +/- 350k for design work for turf reduction on South Golf Course. This work was anticipated in the old PIF schedule for 2025.

    Golf (Preston) – Approve (PIF funds) +/- $6M to start the Quail Run Golf course renovation project. With very limited exception this motion is but an acceleration of items planned to meet regulatory requirements of ADWR.

    Membership Privileges (Jim) – Motion appears to be directed at folks that buy property, rent it out and then ask for membership cards as if they occupy the property. Probably not a big financial issue but certainly has a big equity component.

    Records (Jim) – Prior approval required to take copies (by camera) of corporate records. Sorry, but this one rubs me the wrong way – Transparency if approved by the censors… This is a huge step backwards!

    Overall, the meeting appears to be routine business and much of what is really happening behind the scenes (the PIF budget) is either not being discussed or (I hope) is being put into slow motion until the new board comes in and an expert is engaged.

    Hope this helps.

    John Fast
    Linduska, OneDayAtATime and eyesopen like this.
  3. OneDayAtATime

    OneDayAtATime Well-Known Member

    Regarding the attempts to squash flippers from purchasing properties in SC, I was just pondering..... would we still have the 1,500 - 2,000 homes turnover (be sold) every year if flippers don't remodel them? Could that backfire for the coffers of RCSC?

    Jean Totten as One Day at a Time
  4. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    I pondered the same thing and wondered how much a flipper uses RCSC facilities. Probably very little. Intuitively, I would think flippers are not interested in using the facilities but use the existence of the facilities as a marketing tool to make a profit on the home. So, this may be a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face but won't likely be a huge deal financially.
  5. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Attendance may be ultra-light with no hot topic motions, many residents already escaping our sizzling summer and recent mixed messaging as to whether or not this board meeting is scheduled!!
    Sun City AZ e/blast incorrectly said NO!
  6. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    Ooops happen in our communication...
  7. Tom Trepanier

    Tom Trepanier Well-Known Member

    oops—- where did that $3,000,000 go?
  8. John Fast

    John Fast Well-Known Member

    Oops - don't know do you?
  9. Tom Trepanier

    Tom Trepanier Well-Known Member

    I was just trying to highlight how important communication and transparency are in getting timely, correct information to the members. Even a major mistake might go unnoticed. Thanks for your efforts John! And no I don’t believe $3,000,000 was lost or stolen.
    Janet Curry likes this.
  10. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    But perhaps half of that went to the dog training facilities?
    Linduska, Enigma and Janet Curry like this.
  11. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Does anyone keep a record of attendance at these meetings? I know the Library meeting was jammed, as it should have been. Is there a sign in sheet? Just curious.
  12. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    I believe the RCSC knows. Typically there's an employee sitting just inside the auditorium, at Sun Dial, with a hand held clicker counting those entering the room.
    Linduska, Enigma and Janet Curry like this.
  13. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

  14. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Attendance for board meetings is
    included in the RCSC Meeting Minutes and Summaries.

    There is no official reporting or sign-in for Exchange meetings. Only head-counts that someone may get take, or guess-timates.

    November 29, 2023

    PRESENT: Kat Fimmel, President; Jean Totten, Secretary
    ALSO PRESENT: Marcia Johnson, Corporate Executive Coordinator; 628 RCSC Cardholders in attendance including verified proxies.
    Membership Quorum: Secretary Totten verified that a Membership Quorum was present with 628 members in attendance including verified proxies. Total proxies were 82 and Members in attendance was 546.

    Thursday, April 25, 2024

    PRESENT: Kat Fimmel, President (via phone); Karen McAdam, Vice President; Connie Jo Richtmyre, Acting Secretary and Directors Preston Kise, Jim Rough, Chris Nettesheim, Tom Foster, Steve Collins
    ALSO PRESENT: Matthew D’Luzansky, General Manager; Chris Linam, Golf Shop Manager; Kevin McCurdy, Support/Finance Sr. Leader; Mike Dirmyer, Non-Golf Sr. Leader; Debbie Giles, Assistant to GM; Marcia Johnson, Board Coordinator; Allen Kleinhans, Doreen Rafferty & Carla Young Audio/Video Engineers; 68 RCSC Cardholders and 1 member(s) of the press
    ABSENT: Anita Borski, Treasurer; Brian Duthu, Golf Sr. Leader

    March 28, 2024

    PRESENT: Kat Fimmel, President; Karen McAdam, Vice President; Anita Borski, Treasurer; Connie Jo Richtmyre, Acting Secretary and Directors Tom Foster, Jim Rough, Steve Collins, Preston Kise, Chris Nettesheim
    ALSO PRESENT: Brian Duthu, Golf Sr. Leader; Kevin McCurdy, Support/Finance Sr. Leader; Mike Wiprud, Facilities Sr. Leader; Mike Dirmyer, Non-Golf Sr. Leader; Debbie Giles, Assistant to GM; Marcia Johnson, Board Coordinator; Joelyn Higgins, Communication Coordinator; Allen Kleinhans, Doreen Rafferty Audio/Video Engineers; 72 RCSC Cardholders and 1 member(s) of the press
    ABSENT: Matthew D’Luzansky, General Manager

    Source: https://suncityaz.org/rcsc/meeting-minutes-and-summaries/
    Last edited: May 27, 2024
  15. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Thank you Chris
  16. Carole Martinez

    Carole Martinez New Member

    I. Had a full year
    Of available service I can offer to the RCSC Board. It states one can only serve two 4
    Year terms. I served for 7
    Years making me eligible to serve another year as an interim director. Just offering some services to the community while other issues are
    Being dealt with, Don’t everyone laugh at once.
  17. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member

    Restated Articles of Incorporation
    Article VIII
    2. Three (3) Directors in a manner set forth in the Corporate Bylaws, shall be elected each year to serve for a term of three (3) years and shall serve until their successors are installed. A Member/Director may be elected to a maximum of two (2) three-year terms, six (6) years total, on the Board of Directors.(Approved by the membership on Nov. 20, 2003)


    The term of office for an elected Board of Director shall be three (3) years. At the annual election, three (3) Board of Directors shall be elected for three (3) year terms. One, two or three-year elected terms enter into the six (6) year limit set forth in the Articles.

  18. SCR

    SCR Active Member

    ALL head counts (Board meetings, Exchanges, and any meeting where there is expected to be attendance) should be done ELECTRONICALLY (Techonology).
    Can someone (anyone) explain how flippers are gaming the system? Who cares if they use the facilities (how many months do they spend here is Sun City
    renovating/remodeling a home). The big question is are they paying the PIF?
  19. Happy Hippie

    Happy Hippie Active Member

    Even a sign in sheet including member number which could be manually entered later would be better than a visual. Chris so glad you are following Dave's request on font size.
  20. OneDayAtATime

    OneDayAtATime Well-Known Member

    Here is the information re: the Technology Committee. I've also added the Outreach & Communication Committee because they are also looking for volunteers.

    Chair: Jim Rough – jrough@suncityaz.org
    Co-Chair: Chris Nettesheim – cnettesheim@suncityaz.org

    Outreach & Communications
    Chair: Chris Nettesheim – cnettesheim@suncityaz.org
    Co-Chair: Kat Fimmel (kfimmel@suncityaz.org) and Connie Jo Richtmyre – crichtmyre@suncityaz.org
    Yes, this committee has two chairs.

    Hope you are doing well. You would make a great addition to any committee!

    Jean Totten

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