Why History Matters

Discussion in 'Non Sun City Related Discussions' started by carptrash, Aug 11, 2020.

  1. CT, I buy books so I don’t have to join the conga line at the library. I do like Books around the Corner at Bell library. Picked up a first edition of Death of a President by William Manchester. God, it’s been that long? My first memory was that I was in Biology class about to take a test I had not studied for. An announcement was made about the death and we were let out of school.

    That said I believe that the libraries will have a new five year lease.

    Sorry for late response as I sometimes forget that I posted on this site. Guess I am getting to be an old fart.
  2. carptrash

    carptrash Active Member

    I'm another old fart, but hope to be less of one after all my chemo is done and gone. My daughter, who teaches college history and gender studies recommended an interesting book that I just finished, "The Famous Lady Lovers" which is fascinating all the way through, but as per another thread around here, it has a chapter on blues women, Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, Ethel Waters, Alberta Hunter, all of whom I have in my CD collection. I now have a copy to lend, if you are interested.

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