RCSC Board of Directors, Thursday, January 27th, 9 am

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by OneDayAtATime, Jan 20, 2022.

  1. I object to the 2 hour limit for Board Meetings and Board/Member Exchanges. It the board knew how to conduct business, the last meeting would have been under 2 hours. With 5 board members, continuing from last year, someone should have known how to take the 1st hour down to 15 minutes with the simple process:
    • Move to amend the motion removing the words "..."
    • Get a second.
    • Have some discussion
    • Vote on the amendment.
    • Return to the Amended Motion.
    • Further Discussion (on the Amended Motion).
    • Vote on the Amended Motion
    It took almost an hour to get this procedure down. This process occurred at several meetings last year. It worked cleanly. Why didn't it work at the last meeting?
    President Lehrer should have recognized this and moved the meeting along.

    The membership got what they wanted.

    Second Issue - Director Lenefsky. Seems to think he is GOD and the board cannot do anything without him present.
    Many times last year the board continued during the absence of a member. Delaying the remaining motions due to his "Medical Procedure" was inexcusable.
    Lori Ellingson was denied candidacy for the board due to a missed meeting. I definitely see a conflict here!! Watch out for Lenefsky! I didn't vote for him and he is just what I suspected.Had the first hour of the meeting run smoother, there would have been time for him to be present for the deferred motions.

    I was a bit disappointed in Director Collins. I like him. He is definitely on the side of Members. However he should have know how to amend Director Wilson's motion.

    Director Ege. He doesn't give an opinion on anything All he does is vote. The only time I have seem him comment on something is when directly challenged. And even then its more of a brief simple simple comment. I can't wait to vote for his replacement. It seems that he only cares about how long he needs to be on stage and about his Sun City In-Focus club ... er. committee.

    This year seems to be a good beginning and I look forward to more openness and communication. I plan to stay positive. Positive and patient action will yield results. It this years board seems to block things, the next year can only get better.
  2. OneDayAtATime

    OneDayAtATime Well-Known Member

    Louis, Welcome!! Isn't it great to have a place to voice your opinion?

    You also might consider joining the ( https://suncityadvocates.us20.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=d835423f2971d8d49e3027269&id=eea55d34e9 ) Sorry, I can't get the link to post correctly.

    Advocacy: To change “what is” into “what could be.”
    Sun City was built on Value and Core Values where both the community and the board would work in partnership. Sun City was built around the concept of self-governance of ownership and with a culture forged around a sense of community.
    Our goals include:
    *Returning to the checks and balances that enabled the Membership to be served by RCSC.
    *Returning to allowing the Membership to decide what’s best for Sun City.
    *Returning to Community Input that is the bedrock of going forward.
    *Returning Sun City to the most unique age-restricted community in the nation, not only a community that is “The Original Fun City” but also “The City of Volunteers.”
    *Assisting all homeowners/members in becoming more AWARE of their community and using their voice to spread this AWARENESS; to “GIVE BACK WHERE NEEDED; to offer SUPPORT to new residents and our senior residents; to continue to search for the best way to COMMUNICATE; to VOLUNTEER where needed.
    There was never a question of whether Sun City would be successful; let’s keep it that way!
    LoriEllingson likes this.
  3. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Rather than putting a time limit in the Bylaws, they should simply list a time to adjourn on the agenda. When the clock strikes 11:00 a.m. the chair can simply call for an adjournment. Members will vote to adjourn or set aside the orders of the day and continue. If they adjourn they would be required to set a time and place to continue the business that was not completed or it comes back as unfinished business at the next meeting, only making that meeting longer! If they were smart they should simply leave things the way they are. Once the Board finally gets into sync with Membership, the Member comments and long drawn out meetings will end!?!?!/

    I'm giving Director Lehrer a grace period to get her feet on the ground. Her problem is, and that goes for Director Collins and others as well, is they are not very well versed on Robert's Rules. We should be grateful that they finally hired a Parliamentarian!

    I wasn't fond of Director Lenefsky's reason when he stated he wouldn't vote on one of the Member's motions that were listed at the Annual Membership Meeting until that certain motion was withdrawn. The problem with that excuse is the motion he's concerned with wasn't even on the board meetings agenda and wasn't up for a vote!!!! If he's going to base his decisions on things that haven't or may never happen we're in trouble. He needs to base his decision on things that are, and not what if's!
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2022
    LoriEllingson and OneDayAtATime like this.
  4. 2 times. The 3 was stricken and replaced with 2. Copy & paste problem.
  5. eyesopen

    eyesopen Well-Known Member


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