The Museum and historical documents.

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by SCR, Oct 23, 2021.

  1. SCR

    SCR Active Member

    Didn't want to clutter up your thread "Holy crap, now what?", but I have a question regarding the museum and historical documents.

    Bill you are probably the right person to answer this question, so here goes.

    Are ALL the historical documents in the museum digitally recorded and saved off site for backup and preservation?
  2. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    I wish they were SCR but there are thousands of articles from newspapers, 3000 photo's and countless other pieces to be scanned. The only reason i found what i did was because i started going through file cabinets that are seldom touched.
  3. SCR

    SCR Active Member

    What would it take to scan and digitize all of those documents? They do have historical significance and should be digitized.

    Who funds the museum?

    This sounds like a motion to be brought to the BOD’s attention or at the least, a question for every BOD candidate.

    if there were a significant catastrophe to affect the museum all of those documents would be lost forever.

    ‘What would be the cost to digitize everything and store off site?

    What would be the cost if all those documents were lost to a disaster?

    This is definitely something the RCSC should be charged with accomplishing.
  4. FYI

    FYI Well-Known Member

    Bill, does the museum have the necessary hardware and software to scan those old documents for safe keeping?

    If you're only needing volunteers to spend some time scanning those documents I'm ready, willing, and able to spend a few hours a week helping to get the job done.
  5. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    There is no connection between the Museum and the RCSC, none. We have a limited budget and rely on donations to keep the doors open and we have with half the volunteers we need. Interestingly enough there is a proposal the Museum board is working on to digitize all of the records but it is a minimum of a two year plan; and a costly one at that. It needs to be done and will someday be accomplished. As far as the RCSC is concerned, my guess is after the stuff i have found they would rather the museum would quietly go away.

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