Paradigm Shift...

Discussion in 'Sun City General Discussions' started by BPearson, Aug 14, 2023.

  1. Larry

    Larry Well-Known Member

  2. Larry

    Larry Well-Known Member

    It’s obvious you don’t let facts get in the way of your narrative. And whoever “our new friend” is nobody I know and I’ve never met and couldn’t pick her out of a lineup if my life depended on it. Once again, feel free to post the statement I was referring to, not just my response.
  3. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    If you think it somehow changes what you said Larry, copy and paste away. I learned long ago your words are simply that; YOUR WORDS. Just own it brother and move on.
    eyesopen likes this.
  4. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    A staggeringly stupid Letter to the Editor in the Independent yesterday. I hate to be so blunt, but someone explain to me how a person can complain about the new board of directors while complementing the three that quit. But wait, there's more; he was vehemently opposed to spending any money on the Performing Arts Center (PAC). It was abundantly clear he knew virtually nothing about how we got to where we are today.

    DUH! Those three that quit had committed 40 million dollars (on paper) which would have ultimately become 50 million dollars (or more) and taken 8 years to complete it. Just freaking DUH! The good news is he proudly told us that people his age (60's) were coming to the forefront and they'd take charge and fix it all. He closed out by whining about golf cars, dogs and old drivers.

    Ya gotta freaking love em.
  5. Tom Trepanier

    Tom Trepanier Well-Known Member

    I read the opinion today and would agree some of it was quite obtuse. Personally I appreciate and commend the individual for writing out the opinion(s), and thus believe they should be given some consideration. For instance, his call for more attention to safety issues around the rec centers. If we want more folks to come forward to give opinions we need to encourage people. Just my opinion.
  6. BPearson

    BPearson Well-Known Member

    I too was delighted to read a younger resident was taking interest. Then he opened his mouth about how bad the new board is and how they don't listen to the membership. Duh. just duh. Perhaps he is really new and doesn't understand we can't protect our centers because our technology is pure crap. By the way, that's on the backs of every board member (including me) who allowed the GM to just do as she saw fit. At least two of those board members he was applauding (Dale and Sue) were around the entire time the long range planning committee were pleading for upgrades in our technology. For some reason, we (the long range planning committee) all understood what we needed while they (the board) sided with the GM to do nothing.

    There's an old adage i subscribe to: "Put the turd in the pocket it belongs in." If you are going to speak up (which is a good thing), have a least a basic understanding of what you are talking about. He did have some good things to say, he simply had put the turd in the wrong pocket. Facts matter.

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